Weight Distribution Across Age and Gender

It is common knowledge that exercise and diet are contributing factor to an individual’s health, but where, when and what contributes to obesity? While there have been many studies on the subject on nutrition and physical activities, it also poses an opportunity to pull the correlations between the two through data visualization.

We gathered information from different programs conducted by the U.S. Center For Disease Control (CDC) along with other sources to discover patterns in weight gain. For an overview of American health, we mapped the percentages of the population that the CDC has identified as obese. We also plotted out distributions of male and female population across different age brackets in order to observe shifts in weight.

Among all age groups, obesity was significantly higher among male population across all age groups. The highest number of people identified as obese is among the male population of West Virginia between ages of 45-54 at 46.5% of total population. Among female populations, Mississippi average as the highest at 42.9% among the 55-64 age group.